Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Resistance to Change Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Resistance to Change. Answer: Resistance to change at a workplace is a normal phenomenon that takes place in every organization. It generally occurs because of bad decision made by the management. In the era of changing external business environment, Resistance to change is an inevitable exercise practiced by the employees. Acceptance of changes in an organization is tough for the employees. One of the most common problems faced by the business is employee resistance to change (Armenakis and Harris, 2009). The resistance to change generally takes place in different ways that constantly affect the organization. It takes in number of ways like an increase in employee turnover, constant argument, resentment, slowdown strikes etc. These changes are affecting the organization on a long run affecting the process of growth. It is tough for the organizations to implement a change. These are important ways for claiming the amount of changes taking place in the business environment. Furthermore, the organizations have a fe ar of meeting the output due to difference in transformation and its management techniques. The organization is failing to meet the expectations of people working in an organization (Arnold, 2015). This is in contrast with the organization and its purpose of getting things done. Resistance to change occurs due to the change. Change is the basic necessity in an organization in order to get things done. It is a usual activity that causes dilemma in attaining the vision of the organization. Due to this, employees tend to adhere to the existing business atmosphere rather than doing unidentified. Some of the employees time after time resist to the progression that can have some negative effect on the organization. All this affect the organizational output amid the employees affecting the bottom line. This bottom line in the organization is affecting the organizational growth. Changes are inevitable in nature. The purpose here is to accept the changes in order to meet the target. Any alte ration in the level of the efficiency directly affects the organizational growth on a long run (Bargal and Schmid, 2012). All These changes have a wide-ranging impact on the employee morale. An employee having a negative attitude to the change is difficult to be managed for a longer time-period. Changes are disorderly to the work environment of an organization. The process of resistance can change the overall process of managing change. Employees spending excess time focusing on resistance pay less focus on daily tasks associated with their jobs. The Changes to an organization is difficult task to gain productive results. The resistance to change create difficulty in balancing the activities (Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths, 2014). When an employee resists change, they may feel less positive and confident about their professional future with the organization. Employees should focus on managing the daily task. However it is important to understand that Change is an anticipated part of bus iness. It is tougher process for some whereas for some it is difficult. This specifically creates problem in implementing change in an organization (Boonstra, 2008). Managing resistance to change is challenging for end number of reasons. There is a necessity to manage the organization in order to gain effectiveness. Employees have realized importance of change management in an organization or want a change and resist publicly, verbally, and argumentatively. Those who are not willing to adopt the changes create a tough situation for the company. This may create a need for confrontation and conflict. Employees feel bumpy with the changes introduced and resist. This is due to their nature to accept the changes as prescribed by Lewin Kurt in the change model. It takes time to adopt the changes in accordance with the needs(Douglas,2011). Power is one of the central forces governing the organisational changes. It has become vital for the business organization to manage the changes. Power is an essential force looking after the basic necessity an individual looking after the changes in an effective way. The leaders in an organization are seen as a driving force to meet the changes(Thomas and Hardy,2011). Organizational group plays an important role in organizing research in a better way. The purpose is to see the organization as a political arrangement. There are certain level of disputes in the organization creating a need to implement an effective change management and development process. Any dispute at the time of introducing change is disruptive for the organization (Cameron and Green, 2015). There is an increase in number of political issues in the centre of the organization. This is important to understand the changes and to implement them in an effective way. The concept of new organization is to implement the changes from the beginning. It is related with redefining the process in order to gain effective results. The only purpose here is to implement the changes without any dispute. The purpose here is to manage the goals alternatively. Power has a direct impact on implementing the changes in an organization (Chao, Lee and Ling, 2012). Change is an important part in an organization irrespective of its size. The entire role here is to manage the growth in congruence with the employee and organizational interest. Changes can be in any form depending upon the organizational needs. It is tougher for the business organization to manage the changes in case excess resistance. These changes directly affect the morale of the employees; it is the duty of the employer to create a sense of security in the mind of the employees. For the reason, the manager has to indulge himself at the time of implementing change. It is the duty of the manager to look after the interest of each and every employee (Ch ao, Lee and Ling, 2012). It is important to notice that the problem arises due to lack of communication in between the employees and the management. This directly affects the morale of the employees and creates issue with both the recruitment and retention process. Thus, in order to gain competencies, it is important to manage the changes on daily basis. All This has a direct impact on the daily efficiency and output of the employees (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). It has a potential to reduce the level of competence unswervingly affecting the organizational growth and management. It is important to find out a way to spend time focusing on factors contributing in resisting the changes taking place in the workplace. In case of introducing a change, the employees become less focused on daily tasks connected with their jobs. It is moreover difficult to coordinate changes due to concentration of power in the hand of few. This creates difficulty in meeting the results in order to gain product ive results. These Changes are difficult for the individual in order to develop effectiveness (Hayes, 2014). Employees not in favour tend to create a negative atmosphere in the employees. There is a continuous unrest among employees. However at times, the change is implemented smoothly without any unrest among employees. The problem only arises when any group in an organization is against the changes. In such a situation, it is difficult to manage the changes in a better way. There are general ways to mitigate the negative effects of resistance. The changes are introduced to foster effective growth and management(Dolan and Bao,2012). By stating the problem in this way, the organization can overcome the dilemma. Change sometimes occurs under the coercion and influence the people. The organization sees a direct impact on the authority and rules in theta influence the employees. The process of Change management is taking place in different shapes bin an organization. The only purpose b ehind incorporating a change is to practice to deal in a challenging situation. The organization is failing to meet the expectations of people working in an organization. This is in contrast with the organization and its purpose of getting things done (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2010). The difficult part in an organization is to introduce change. There is no single way to implement a change in an organization. The most important part in an organization is to gain competency by implementing effective changes. This is only possible by coming up with different change management theories. These theories will help in implementing the changes in the best possible way (Jones, 2010). The change model govern By Kurt Lewin provides with information related with implementation of change in three steps. This allow the managers to coordinate the changes in a well and appropriate way. Power in such a situation is important to be managed in order to organize the situation. Any threat and punishment given to the employees creates unhappiness among the employees (Palmer, Dunford and Akin, 2009). Changes cause ineffectiveness and disrupt the functioning. In this situation, it is important to find out an effective way to resolve the problems occurring due to change. Participation is important for allocating the changes in an effective way. This exercise helps in managing the changes at a regular interval and creates problem at the time of its implementation. The role of power is important to an organization at the time of implementing a change. Power is important to influence people in the organization to adopt the change. It is an important activity to include changes in the functioning (Storey, 2007). Continuous resistance to change is disruptive for the organization. This is because of the problem that occurs due to imbalance in achieving the directed goals. The power is important to an organization in placing things in order to implement changes. These directives are important at the time of introducing changes. The primary focus here is to understand the organizational strength and weakness and implement it thereafter. Some of the employees time after time resist to the progression that can have some negative effect on the organization (Organisational development design explained .2017). Employees generally argue about an implementation of change. The proposed changes to an organization are disruptive. In order to implement changes, it is important to introduce motivational factors. These factors will help in implementing changes on a long run. Leaders have to come up with an effective strategy in order to overcome with the challenges. These are important to manage the changes in an effective way. This is important to manage the changes in the best possible way by introducing a positive technology(Erkama,2010). A leader has a responsi bility to advocate plan to put into practice in order to implement change that will benefit the organizational goals, matter, or a larger group in an ethical way. The Change management occurs at various levels linking both political and ethical considerations. It is however important to include the concern in order to introduce change in a better way. This is possible to remind the need to seek contribution and assure commitment on a regular basis. The leadership is important for an organization (Weiner, 2009.). To conclude, resistance to change requires a balance between constancy and change. It is the basic requirement of the leader to introduce the changes to generate an environment where employees are free to express thoughts. It is evident from the point of view of an organizational growth to develop a transparent process. This helps the employees in achieving the target by incorporating an effective way. The process of change management is crucial for the organization in meeting daily targets. This is important enough to organize the policies in accordance with the changes taking place in the organization. Changes are frequently implemented in a technology based companies. It is due to rapid change in the technology that makes it clear to organize the changes accordingly as per the market requirements. They have to work according to the market pace. This creates difficulty in implementing the changes. However from the point of view of an organizational growth, it is evident to implemen t changes. For the better future, it is important to manage the changes. The change management policies are important to manage the changes through an extra effort.Changes are inevitable in an organization in order to develop an effective organizational environment. Hence, for an organization it is important to manage the changes. References Armenakis, A.A. Harris, S.G., (2009). Reflections: Our journey in organizational change research practice.Journal of Change Management,9(2), pp.127-142. Arnold, P.(2015). The 5 greatest examples of change management in business history. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 3 October 2017 Bargal, D. Schmid, H., (2012).Organizational change development in human service organizations.Routledge. Benn, S., Dunphy, D. Griffiths, A., (2014).Organizational change for corporate sustainability.Routledge. 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