Saturday, August 31, 2019
High School Life Essay
Ask any teenager today and they will tell you that they are nothing like their parents, that their parents just don’t understand them. This may be true and this may be false, it just depends on how you look at it. Teenagers of the Rebel Without a Cause, meaning the parents of today’s teens, did face a lot of the same problems and issues that we now face. Yet I am left thinking did the past teens face all the same problems at the same time as we do and were some of their â€Å"problems†not as much of a problem as it is to us. Teens from the past and present are faced with problems such as school, relationships, and friends. There were many teenage problems back then in â€Å"Rebel Without a Cause†and today’s teenagers. Most of these problems that Jim Stark and the other teens faced were similar, but my own belief is that these same problems were not as big of problem back when they were growing up. Let’s take school and homework for example, oh sure your parents had it too but I just don’t believe that there was as much pressure upon them to get good grades. Also, get into a good college as there is for us. And of course with the knowledge that college is right around the corner most teens also need to work. They need to save money for college, or a car, or to make the girl/boy of their dreams happy by taking them out on dates once in a while. Plus, all this pressure and work can build up for a teen and to most of us it seems like we never have a chance to just relax and hang out with friends anymore. It relates to the movie because some of the teens do not care about homework or going to school. The reason is that was back then it was easy to get a job by only having a high school diploma with no college education. But, now in our teen lives it is hard to get a job with a high school diploma. Another thing that is different from the past from the present is the fashion that students wear. In the past, boys wear plain regular clothes and the cool guys always wear black jackets or blazers. It is similar like what a gang member usually wears right now. Except the gangs have their baggy pants or shorts and show their boxers in black or white. It is weird how those kind of guys like to show-off their boxers or underwear. For the girls in the past, they all mostly put on dresses. Now girls mostly wear skirts or short shorts. Plus, girls always try to put on the sexiest clothes to wear because to get all the attention and be popular. Like in the movie, Jim Stark wears different clothes from his classmates. The reason is that he moved to a lot of different high schools because he never made any friends and doesn’t fit in with the other teens. Also, in every high school he went to the teens called Jim, â€Å"Chicken†. Why he is called that because the teenagers see him acting like a chicken, when Jim does not want to get into trouble. I think back then music for teens like, â€Å"Rebel Without a Cause†, probably listened to rock and roll. But now teens prefer rapping and hip hop music. It’s interesting how music has changed so much in the past because teens loved to get crazy on rock and roll. I wonder how teens will react if music never came to rock and roll. Probably teens will make their own music or have to try out their parent’s music, which were more hip hop and dance music. Now teens today have a mix of genres they like to listen. Most teens in the present relate their music to their emotions. The reason is because they must have some problems in their lives and music helps teens release stress. Plus, I am sure that it happens to the teens in the past except not big problems compare to our teen years. I bet Jim Stark and his classmates love to listen to rock and roll. Even though it does not show in the movie that they played rock and roll, but back then there was a lot of rock and roll. The teens in the early years prefer rock and roll because it was something they can be themselves with their friends. Sometimes parents cannot stand their teen’s music and tells them to turn it off or take it away from them. It is weird how in the movie, it shows parents like Jim’s parents how they do not care about his school issues. For instance, when Jim’s classmates call him chicken, he tells them to stop and be angry to his parents. Then Jim’s parents decide to move somewhere else again, which happen several times. Jim does not want that because he thinks it is going to happen all over again. So, basically Jim’s parents do not really help him and his life that much. But comparing to today’s teens, Jim’s parents and other parents show more concern for each of their son/daughter’s education to make them successful in life. I can see that every year new parents learn from their past seeing their mom and dad on how they take care of their son or daughter. Then later on the new parents learn from their parent’s mistakes and become a better parent. There are things that are similar between our time and the movie, â€Å"Rebel Without a Cause†. One is that teens hate doing homework and waking up early for school. Teens in the past and present struggle with their emotions like in relationships or family issues. Jim shows his emotions to his parents in the movie. He tells them how he feels every time when he transfers to a new school and he is not good at making any relationships or friends. The main reason is everyone calls him chicken because he is different from his classmates and they think he is afraid of them. I just want to say that I am not saying that teenagers of the past did not have their own problems, but of course they did, every single teen alive faces problems that they think is hard and that their whole world is crumbling down around them well at least once in a while. But now that they have grown up and turned into the parents of today’s teenagers I feel that they put more pressure upon their own teenage child in order for them to achieve more than they were able to. A common expression is, â€Å"My parents are so strict, overprotective, or too involved in my life, because they don’t want me making the same mistakes they did when they were my age but they need to trust me and just leave me alone. †And that expression can sometimes is kind of true. But all in all I feel that our parents do understand what we, as teenagers, are going through because they did face the same problems that we face today, but maybe with just a little less pressure.
Perception Of Risk Variation Factors Health And Social Care Essay
Recent old ages in societal scientific disciplines and academic research have highlighted the apprehension of constructs such as hazard perceptual experience and hazard itself, in a batch of deepness. However the true apprehension of how hazard is perceived and how its influences behavior is non a simple phenomenon to specify. There is immense contention on how, why and what variables constitute it. Risk has been defined in legion ways by societal scientists and research workers. Before reexamining the different paradigms of hazard perceptual experience it is critical to understand the really nature of the construct of hazard itself. There exist multiple constructs of Risk. Risk is viewed as a jeopardy, as a chance as a effect and even as possible hardship or menace ( Short Jr, 1984 ) .Risk under such claims is typically assessed to be objectively quantified by hazard appraisal. On the other manus societal scientific disciplines reject such impression of nonsubjective word picture. T heir attack tends to concentrate on effects that such hazardous results have on people who undergo them. This tradition see ‘s hazard as subjective in nature ( Krimsky & A ; Golding, 1992 ; Slovic, 1992 ; Weber, 2001b ; Wynne, 1992 ) . , hence it defines hazard as something that human existences have invented to assist them understand and get by with the dangers and uncertainnesss of life. Admiting that hazard can intend different things to different persons ( Brun, 1994 ) , consequently people besides tend to differ in their earnestness of effects of hazards and how they calculate the chance of such hazards to take topographic point.This apprehension leads us to the term ‘risk perceptual experience ‘ , which has been defined as ‘ appraisal of the chance of a specified type of accident go oning and how concerned we are with the effects ‘ ( Sjoberg L. et Al, 2004, p. 8 ) . Individual values, beliefs and attitude every bit good as societal and cultural values or temperaments including symbols, political orientations and history constitute of factors which influence hazard perceptual experience ( Weinstein, 1980 ) .The aim of this paper is to understand the part of such societal, cultural and psychological factors which form perceptual experiences of hazard. This essay aims at discoursing hazard in context to a specified hazard which is vaccinum ha zard particular to polio. This peculiar pick has been made with consideration given to the fact that disease such as infantile paralysis is no more a job in the western states and the underdeveloped states provide a good illustration of civilization and societal influence for the sensed hazards. This has been backed by the lifting involvements by universe wellness organisation to wholly eliminate this from the face of Earth. Throughout this survey research grounds has been incorporated to organize a logical statement. In decision the deduction for policy shapers and other interest holders are discussed in line with the acknowledgment of the changing perceptual experience of his hazards. Polio has been known to distribute via the unwritten faecal path. The West had popularly seen summer eruptions of infantile paralysis. These resulted in widespread paralytic infantile paralysis. There are two basic types of infantile paralysis vaccinum, both of which were developed in the 1950 ‘s.The foremost was developed by Jonas Salk, which was a formalin-killed readying of normal wild type infantile paralysis virus. This virus is known to turn in monkey kidney cells and the vaccinum is given by injection. The vaccinum aims at arousing good humoral ( IgG ) unsusceptibility and forestalling transit of the virus to the nerve cells where it would otherwise do paralytic infantile paralysis. The 2nd known vaccinum was developed by Albert Sabin, which is a unrecorded attenuated vaccinum, produced through empirical observation by consecutive transition of the virus in cell civilization. It is given orally and is known as the preferable vaccinum in the developed universe such as Uni ted States, United Kingdom and others mostly because of it easiness of disposal. ( Jeffrey Kluger, 2005 ) Vaccines have been used to control morbidity and mortality from childhood infective diseases in our society ( Senier, L. , 2005 ) .It is non incorrect to state that vaccinums constitute one of the biggest success narratives within preventative medical specialty nevertheless at that place has been a turning concern sing the necessity of its uninterrupted usage ( Senier, L. , 2005 ) ( Bostrom A. , 1997 ) .Physicians and research workers attribute such concerns in instance of infantile paralysis vaccinum mostly to the diminution in mark diseases but besides attribute it towards the turning concern for safety among the multitudes ( Senier, L. , 2005 ) .Such uncertainnesss sing vaccinum hazards along with the still prevalence of such diseases in society create a demand for understanding how perceptual experiences sing infantile paralysis vaccinum hazard are developed among people. The undermentioned subdivision purposes at supplying an overview of different prospective in order to underst and how perceptual experiences are developed and influenced. Perceived badness of a disease drama an of import portion in credence of vaccinums developed to extinguish them ( Bostrom A. , 1997 ) . A comparative survey of two diseases outburst conducted in Canada illustrates that during an eruption of a fatal, meningitis the populace reverted to mass immunisation comparable to a rubeolas outburst, where a by and large less credence of immunisation prevailed based on the populace ‘s position of rubeolas as being less unsafe.While in world Measle kill a larger graduated table of kids across the Earth ( Boholm, A. , 1998 ) . Fear is a clear illustration of what we think about a hazard in footings of our intuitive feelings, a procedure which is called the heuristic consequence and it has a great influence on our perceptual experience of risks.Amoung the current infantile paralysis bing states such frights are of a bigger magnitude given their societal and cultural backgrounds. There exists a large spread of societal consciousness every bit go od as instruction in these states. Poverty, deficiency of basic lodging installations, clean H2O and air, and other ailments have helped to organize the attitudes and perceptual experience about polio vaccinum hazards ( Sjoberg L. et Al, 2004 ) .. Another component which influences the perceptual experience of hazard associated with infantile paralysis vaccinums is the degree of control over kids ‘s going infected of vaccinum preventable disease.Works of ( Meszaros et al, 1996 ) shows that none inoculators understand that their kid was less likely effected by the inauspicious affects of the inoculation. This sense of control over the inauspicious effects of acquiring vaccinated strongly determines attitude towards inoculation. Another critical thing which must be noted here is the sensed cost benefit analysis done by parents.If at that place exists a sensed benefit in a specific pick, the hazard associated with that pick will look smaller than when no such benefit is perceived ) .Hence perceptual experiences on Polio Vaccine hazard will be constructed depending on how much control an single likes to exert within his life and what cost and benefits does he associates with the infantile paralysis vaccinum. Some groups of people have viewed inoculation of a kid as a – physical invasion into a healthy bodyA , this has been supported with doctors ‘ penchants to â€Å" make no injury ‘ ( specially in instances where more than one injection is required. Such believes and attitudes have paved agencies to constructs such as Free-loading ( which is trusting on herd unsusceptibility and taking non to immunize ) . This is proved by the research at the Pennsylvania University which has shown that a batch of none inoculators use the free equitation logic ( Hershey et Al, 1994 ) .On the other utmost side there are besides people who make determinations sing vaccinums based on what every one else seems to be doing.This is regarded at â€Å" bandwagoning †and relates to human demand for conformance and even security which fulfills the human demand for love, belonging and even safety as defined by Maslow ( Maslow, A. , 1943 ) . The above factors fall into the class of ‘Cultural reason ‘ . Which recognizes a scope of influences including psychological, spiritual, religious, emotional and even intuitive footing as defined by ( Brun, 1994 ) ( Fischhoff B. et Al, 1993 ) ( Sjoberg L. et Al, 2004 ) . Poliomyelitis as it prevails within the underdeveloped states is besides widely influenced by the success narratives of the West. Fear factors linked with deficiency of inoculation are reduced by narratives which explain ‘how infantile paralysis has been eradicated from certain states ‘ and ‘how it has become a decreasing concern ‘ ( Jeffrey Kluger, 2005 ) . Fear encourages people to take positive preventative steps ; this has been clearly illustrated by the plants of ( Leventhal, 1980 ) who found that high fright showed greater purpose to halt smoke. Hence the perceptual experience of vaccinum hazard will change for people based on their ain frights and their ain apprehension of dangers associated to the disease. Surveies on hazard perceptual experiences have taken a deep expression at understanding the function of heuristics and prejudices.According to Slovic P. perceptual experience of hazard cognitive cutoffs form the basic for qualitative estimations of hazard ( Slovic P, 1987 ) . These are called heuristics, illustrations of such prejudices ‘ include compaction of hazard, over appraisal of rare causes of decease and underestimating common 1s ( Fischhoff B. et Al, 1993 ) . Biass are non restricted to the public entirely alternatively a large beginning of such prejudices stem which in this instance would be doctors every bit good as societal workers. Adept sentiment is besides an of import factor in formation perceptual experience sing polio vaccinum hazards. Experts within their ain field hold certain information purchase and cognition, which is non alienated from their ain prejudices. Experts sentiments are frequently manipulated to organize a perceptual experience of a hazard whic h is in line with authorities and other stakeholders ( Fischhoff B, Merz JF. , 1994 ) , ( Fischhoff B. et Al, 1993 ) , ( Freudenberg and Pastor, 1992 ) . A prevailing nature of infantile paralysis ‘s being in developing states can be understood better in footings of the unstable political governments in these states and the efforts of assorted powers to derive public support through over rated wellness programmes such as battle against infantile paralysis. Another factor which is interrelated to this construct is besides the trust factor which defines public perceptual experiences of hazard. The bigger the assurance people have in professional responsible for their protection or in the authorities or establishments responsible for their exposure of hazard the less fearful they would be. The less they would swear them, the higher will be the sensed hazard associated to them. While speaking about trust, it must be noted that grade of trust receiver topographic point in the commu nicating of information about vaccinum hazards and benefits is every bit important in organizing perceptual experiences about given hazards. Public input and well-being may be viewed as the aim of cardinal interest holders in preventative medical specialty nevertheless their actions are non ever aimed at accomplishing this hence a deficiency of credibleness and trust has been created ( Timothy C & A ; George T, 1995 ) . From the above treatment it can be deduced that a robust apprehension is needed to measure how cultural factors like trust and even duty reconstruct the cost benefit analysis ( Timothy C & A ; George T, 1995 ) .This demand for trust among persons corresponds with the emotional responses which serve a footing for determination devising as explained by Berkowitz ( 1969 ) . Another factor which develops the assorted perceptual experience people hold sing infantile paralysis hazard vaccinums is constructed by single political orientations sing social good versus the single rights. This relates to citizen ‘s rights to picks such as choice of preventative steps for wellness attention compared to authorities ‘s power/liberty to do determinations for the multitudes. Majority of the epidemiologist suggests that such determinations should non be left to single picks but should be authorities duty. Thus it can be concluded that Mandatory inoculation influences how vaccine hazards and benefits are received by the populace. This can be understood in the visible radiation of theory of cognitive disagreement which demonstrates that voluntary picks brings more openness and credence to negative results ( Berkowitz, 1969 ) .Certain people may even hold spiritual grounds to avoid inoculation, illustration of such can be the more Orthodox beliefs where step ining with nature is considered not spiritual. In US faith is one of the three evidences on which people are exempted from inoculation. This is done given the apprehension of the diversified US society. Hence it must be acknowledged that perceptual experiences of infantile paralysis vaccinum hazard are related to the societal, cultural and even spiritual facet of person ‘s life. To reason it can be seen that perceptual experiences sing infantile paralysis vaccinum hazard are constructed by assorted cultural and psychometric factors. Peoples from their positions and attitudes sing infantile paralysis vaccinum hazard based on factors such as badness of the disease, the trust they place in the authorities and other interest holders, their ain apprehension of cost and benefits associated with the vaccinum. Percepts are strongly driven and influenced by person ‘s ain fright, his abilibity to swear and his desire to command things. Peoples are risk averse and seek to avoid ambiguity ( Slovic and Fischcoff, 1984 ) .They are invariably measuring and doing opinions which are influenced by the society in big and their milieus. They are frequently encouraged to follow the bulk and sometimes to bask the free riders consequence. All these factors have deductions for parents and policymakers about how hazards should be managed and what hazards are acceptable in the visible radiation of how perceptual experiences vary and how they are constructed. It is critical for policy shapers and others to understand that contentions over vaccinum hazard perceptual experience have immense deductions for professionals and media in their functions as sources and besides on the being of this disease. When pass oning hazard to the receivers, it is highly critical that the changing natures of formation of hazard perceptual experience are kept into head along with public instruction and participative determination devising. Government in these states where infantile paralysis is still dominant need to cultivate feelings of trust in people for the system and integrate societal consciousness programmes, which have an emotional entreaty and are targeted towards the rural countries utilizing media every bit good as local physicians and clinics.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Duplox Copiers Canada Limited Essay
Duplox Copiers Canada Limited is experiencing several severe issues that are affecting the profitability of the firm. The main issues at DCCL are: employee turnover is increasing, employee morale is low, and customer satisfaction has dropped while customer complaints have increased, and ultimately the biggest issue is revenue and profits have both decreased. From analyzing DCCL, it was determined that several strategic issues, including the current reward and compensation system, are having negative effects on employees, management, and the organization as a whole. The first major issue that DCCL is facing is an increase in employee turnover, particularly with the TSS’s. Turnover rates are high and DCCL is finding it difficult to keep their TSS’s in particular. This, in turn, is affecting the company’s ability to train and have TSS’s gain a required level of experience. The success of Duplox depends highly on the motivation and quality of work that the TSSs do. Because the TSS’s are the face of the company and involved in both the install of equipment as well as the servicing up equipment, it is imperative that customers have good experiences with the TSS’s. This is currently not occurring for as displayed in several instances. To begin, the TSS’s are experiencing a decline in attitudes toward both their work and the company. Another major issue related to the TSS’s is that they seem to be struggling the most with maintaining a positive morale. TSS’s have little to no autonomy or ability to make any decisions on their own; everything is monitored and controlled by their supervisors. This is creating tension as they are being told what to do, even when company standards, such as safety, are not being met. When the machines are installed but do not meet safety standards, the equipment is suffering and is leading to more required maintenance and service calls. Customers are dissatisfied with having unreliable machines and the downtime associated with waiting for the TSS’s to make their service calls and this is causing an increase in complaints. Due to the fact that the TSS’s are constantly the ones who are dealing with customers face to face, they are taking the majority of the complaints and are being blamed for the constant need of maintenance on equipment. This is one major reason why the TSS’s are dealing with low morale. However, the TSS’s are not at fault in terms of installations that are not meeting safety standards; this issue is originating with the sales people. The sales people have a salary that only contributes to 50 % of their income, while the other 50 % is coming from how commission of sales. This is leading to the sales people forcing the closure of sales and not informing clients of safety standards that need to be changed prior to an installation. Compensation for TSS’s is also a factor that has become an issue for the organization. TSS’s are being given bonuses based on their productivity and their expense standards. Being given bonuses based on how efficient they are being in terms of their expense budget does not seem directly relatable to their job. Therefore, this is also causing tension and frustration for the TSS’s. Evaluation of their performance needs to be objective and relatable to what they are doing out in the field in terms of installations and service calls. Most of these issues can be related to the managerial style that is being conducted at DCCL. There is very little opportunity for employees to be able to make their own decisions. The structure is set up in a classical managerial style which is very controlling. Many of the issues the organization is experiencing can be attributed to the style of management which is not facilitating a healthy work environment for employees. Section B We feel that the structure of the company is fine, but feel that the solutions lay in redefining the job descriptions and also reworking the compensation strategy to better reflect the goals of the company and how they expect to be successful. However, eliminating the FSM position will occur, because it creates many redundancies in how the TSS’s operate. Changing the compensation strategy of the sales reps is of the utmost importance, because as it stands, they are just pushing as many new installations as possible, since they are rewarded per number of installation. This means that some of the installations are occurring in places that do not conform to company standards on space, ventilation, and wiring. This is causing more and more breakdowns, which in turn leads to many more service calls for the TSSs. Another major issue that needs to change is the managerial style. Currently, DCCL is operating in a classical managerial style. This has caused problems from poor communication, lack of motivation, low job satisfaction, and increased employee turnover rates. In order for DCCL to change their managerial style, they need to re-evaluate which style would work best. We believe that DCCL will excel with a shift to a human relations managerial style; this will allow for more autonomy and individual responsibility from employees, while still allowing managers to retain a level of control. Currently, managers are having to make every decisions and also supervise employees, such as the TSS’s, to an extreme degree. In order to have managers adopt a new managerial style focused more on human relations, a company meeting must be held. In this meeting, the issues that have come from the current managerial style would be outlined and this would be followed by a proposition for change. With a new managerial style, employees such as the TSS’s may become more motivated as they will have more responsibility and autonomy to operate on their own. In order to allow the TSS’s to operate more efficiently and with more autonomy, eliminating the position of FSM seems the best choice. The FSM often just acts as a middleman, whether it be relaying on the message to order a part, or relaying on information from the Training/Support Specialist. As a result, job descriptions for Training/Support Specialist and also Branch Service Manager will be redesigned. Both revisions are as below: Training/Support Specialist Under the direction of the Director of Technical Training and Support, develops and conducts technical training programs for Technical Support Specialists for a given Model series. Provides direct support to Technical Service Specialists via telephone or email to deal with complex problems for this model series. Assists Sales Training Specialists in the Marketing Department with preparation of training materials and programs for sales representatives. Branch Service Manager Under the general supervision of the Regional Service Manager, manages the installation and servicing of company products at that branch. Supervises field service managers and ensures that budgeted service revenue and cost targets are achieved for the branch. Monitors TSS expense reports to ensure efficient travel and repair costs. Evaluates current policies, procedures, and practices for achieving regional objectives and implements improved policies, procedures, and practices. Responsible for selection, training, evaluation, coaching, promotion, transfer, or discharge of field service managers, technical service specialists, and service clerks. Supervises service clerks and, in conjunction with the Manager of Branch Inventories, the Branch Inventory Clerk. In conjunction with the Branch Sales Manager, oversees the administration of the branch. The TSS’s are another point of concern, as many of the issues that are plaguing DCCL originate from these employees. However, it is not the fault of the TSS’s, but rather the structural system, combined with the job description and tasks given to the TSS’s. Having little to no ability to make their own decisions, the TSS’s have experienced a difficulty in staying motivated. Constant need to report to their supervisors makes it difficult for work to flow easily. Customers also focus their frustrations towards the TSS’s, as they are the ones who the customers see on a consistent basis. When new parts are needed to be ordered, the TSS’s must inform their supervisor so that they can order a new part, rather than just being able to place the order for the part themselves. The job description of the TSS’s will be revised as follows: TSS 1 TSS 1 will perform routine product installations and product servicing for all products within the Model series (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000). Assists TSS 2 and 3 in complex product installations, breakdowns and overhauls. Orders new parts for installations when required directly from the main warehouse. Effectively manage expenses regarding repairs and travel in accordance with company policies. TSS 2 TSS 2 will perform complex product installations, repair of product breakdowns and malfunctions, and adjustment problems for all products in their model series (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000). Supervises and trains TSS 1 in these functions and performs the initial on-the-job training for TSS 1 as required. Assists TSS 3 in major malfunctions and with major product overhauls. Effectively manage expenses regarding repairs and travel in accordance with company policies. TSS 3 TSS 3 will perform complex product installations, repair of major product breakdowns and malfunctions, adjustment of complex quality problems, and complex overhauls for all products in their model series (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000). Supervises and trains TSS 2 in these functions. With collaboration from the Field Services Manager, may assist sales representatives in identification of the technical configuration of equipment that best suits customer needs. Effectively manage expenses regarding repairs and travel in accordance with company policies. Section C In order to account for different desired behaviours for different positions, it is necessary to group different jobs in job families. When grouping the jobs, we assessed job descriptions to group jobs that have similar descriptions and tasks, require similar knowledge, and are at similar levels in the company. The following section outlines the Compensation Strategy Formulation Process. For each step in the process (required behaviour, role of compensation, compensation mix, and compensation level) we will outline how it will relate to each job family. Define the required Behaviour The number one behavior that will help DCCL is task behavior, which is when employees perform the tasks that have been assigned to them. One of the main issues now is the disconnect between the sales people and the TSS’s. The sales people leave out important information, such as how crucial ventilation is to the machine, and as a result, the TSS’s are slammed with preventable service calls. The failure and breakdown rate caused by customers not being informed about what may be required to have the machine fit in their office. As a result, the breakdown and failure rate is higher than it should be, and is giving a bad reputation to the company. So by having more task behavior, the theories and rules, such as TSS’s refusing to do installs that do not meet specifications, or sales reps telling customers what alterations are necessary to have their machine perform optimally, even if it is a costly alteration. Compensation strategy will also influence a change in t he Director’s and manager’s behaviour. By changing their behaviour to citizen behaviour, more cooperation will occur between them and those working beneath them. Facilitating communication between positions will help DCCL become more productive. One way this will occur is that managers will work with the TSS’s, rather than commanding them on what they need to do. This will allow for opportunity to talk with one another on a more equal level and allow the TSS’s to voice concerns and communicate any ideas that they may have. Facilitators in the organization need to have membership behaviour and the compensation strategy will reflect this. Membership behaviour leads an employee to have a commitment to the organization allowing them to grow and prosper within that company. Having employees with membership behaviour also helps reduce turnover rates. Define the role of Compensation The role of compensation for DCCL will be to encourage employees to remain with the company, thus lowering the turnover. DCCL needs a compensation strategy that encourages employees to remain with the company, as turnover rates have been rising. It is expensive to replace employees, especially ones that require a great deal of training, like the TSS’s. Any facilitators as well need to be able to remain with the company, and may look for higher compensation. The employees, who have the ability to be trained and are hired with little required skill, can allow an organization to pay a lower compensation. However, the required behaviour of a certain position can affect the level of compensation that an employee may be seeking, as motivational factors vary dependent on position. The salespeople are currently motived by a large compensation strategy that pays 50% of the salary and the rest is commissioned based. This is proving to be detrimental to the organization and must be adjusted so that these employees rely less on pure number of sales, this in turn allow them to make the proper sales to customers with environments that meet company specifications. Determine the compensation mix As behaviours and compensation are identified, a compensation mix of components will determine how effective the organization will be in eliciting behaviours in the most effective and efficient way. For the directors and managers, they will be compensated primarily on base pay. Performance pay will come from how well they are managing those beneath them, but will make up a smaller portion of their overall salary. The foundation for their base pay will be based on job evaluation as they are ones who have to ensure the organization is operating in an efficient manner. Director and managers will have the opportunity to receive benefits such as having a profit sharing incentive. Managers and other employees that are motivated by membership behaviour will have this option to have a share of the organization as their membership behaviour promotes commitment to the organization. The sales department are given a base pay based on job evaluation. Since their duty is to increase sales for the organization, those who sell more should receive pay based on their performance. Also, their commission for each sale should be less than what it currently is as it is proving to be a point of concern as they are selling without regard to whether the sale is being done correctly. Any performance pay should be linked as a group because this will eliminate any sort of unhealthy competition and promote the sales team to work together and accomplish sales. Facilitator and Tech are all based on pay for knowledge. Their base pay will be compensated based on their expanse of knowledge and their ability to diagnose problems that others are unable to do. As mentioned, these employees need to have membership behaviour because it is difficult to hire a specialist with the required knowledge. The longer they are with the organization, the more valuable they become because they spend time learning and gaining experience. This allows them to have indiv idual performance pay. Determine the compensation level Lagging, leading, or matching the market is the last step in determining compensation levels. For each job position there can be variation in terms of whether that position will lead, lag, or match the market. The directors and managers will be compensated at a level that is slightly above the market. In order to attract qualified and successful managers, offering above the market may attract those who feel they have an advantage in terms of their qualifications and are seeking something that compensates above average. Although it may cost the company more money, having a qualified and successful manager can improve an organization’s productivity which can be priceless. The sales department will match the market at base pay, but they will have the opportunity to earn group performance pay that would be higher than the market. As for the Facilitators and Techs, they will be compensated above the market. Since the market that DCCL is operating in is very competitive, it is important to attract qualified and effective Facilitators to give the organization an advantage over competitors. By having a compensation level that pays above the market, Facilitators will want to work for DCCL and remain with DCCL, which helps in promoting the required membership behaviour. From analyzing DCCL, we have concluded that the directors, managers, and the sales department all fall under the job evaluation system. For directors, there are a few compensable factors; education, experience, knowledge, mental effort, decision making, consequences of mistakes, supervisory responsibility, and employee relations. For education, a degree and business with a specialization of leadership and management or equivalent is desired as well as four years’ experience in a managerial or director role. They must have adequate knowledge of the industry from a previous position within the company or competitor is desired. The ability to make difficult decisions and not get stressed from the mental effort required. Able to handle the consequences and fix any mistakes made from a poor decision. Lastly, able to relate to employees while maintaining adequate supervisory responsibilities to ensure productivity, efficiency, and any safety issues as well. Managers have similar compensable factors to that of directors. These factors are as follows: education, experience, mental effort, decision making, supervisory responsibility, employee relations, and knowledge. For education, a degree and business with a specialization of leadership and management or equivalent is desired as well as two years’ experience in a managerial or director role. Education must be a postsecondary degree with a specialization in management or human relations. Experience of two years in a managerial context is required as well. The ability to make decisions is essential and to make them with confidence. Must be able to manage and supervise employees with respect to garner cooperation and productivity. Salespeople also fall under the job evaluation plan and their compensable factors are: human relations, friendliness, trustworthiness, interpersonal skills, communication skills, education, experience, and contact with customers and clients. Salespeople must have postsecondary education along with two years’ experience in sales of some sort. Being able to relate to customers and clients while maintaining a friendly outlook and to be seen as trustworthy is essential. Also, must have the ability to communicate fluently and clearly as well as have knowledge of a second language is desired.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Research Class Feedback Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Research Class Feedback - Essay Example 2. The course gave me clear idea of the potential of online learning. I greatly owe to my professor, for he has been ready always at the other end responding to my queries and mails. He always had some reasonable points to inform me regarding my assignments. 3. Undoubtedly, the course was really informative and interesting in every respect. It did not pose any complexity, and the curriculum involved wide range of topics relevant to the current global scenario. 1. Applying Multiple Intelligence concept would increase learner’s likeliness of experiencing positive result based on their MI potential. Although it is not possible to include specific activity for each learner, all learners would find some elements valuable if a variety of activities are well incorporated in the program. For instance, facilities like chats, interactive games, puzzles, use of music and spoken texts, graphs, visuals etc can be used to enhance the e-learning experience of the pupils to address their intellectual variance. 2. Obviously, the course involved various useful assignments. The learning experience would be much more interesting if it focused a bit more on ‘activity based e-learning’. For instance, an interactive content which facilitates active learning and training applications like controlled animations and graphical modelling can be integrated in a practical way. 3. I did not feel constrained to any aspect of the learning system. Even then, a thoughtful enhancement of the quality of the design and operational simplicity of the system may improve learners’ autonomy in the whole learning process. I am confident that I can make use of the theoretical knowledge and skills I obtained through this course throughout my further studies and carrier ahead. I understand the implication of research methods and writing skills and how they can assist me in my career in future. I know how to make use of scholarly sources in my research to increase the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Foreign investment in Qatar Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Foreign investment in Qatar - Research Paper Example y powers vested with the Ministry of Finance, Economy, and Commerce of the state to ensure that the investors and their activities do not cause any harm to the overall national development plan envisioned by the council of ministers of Qatar. As per this law, all sectors of national economy all open for foreign investors provided they have one or more Qatari partners who own 51% or more of the shares of the capital invested, thereby ensuring that the decision making authority lies with the latter (â€Å"Qatar’s Investment Law,†2000). It also requires the company to be appropriately incorporated as per the provisions of the law of the state. Nevertheless the Government has identified certain sectors in which the foreign investors are free to pump in capital exceeding 49%, and up to 100% by themselves (â€Å"Foreign Investor,†n. d). These sectors include: However this requires a decree of the minister who shall issue the same provided the projects go hand in hand with the development of the state. Preference is also given to projects that may result in â€Å"optimum utilization of local raw materials, industries set up for export of products, or for introducing new products, employing new technologies in the state†(â€Å"Doing Business in Qatar,†2012) Qatar has been open to foreign investment in-line with the global economic trend, though not without its reasonable share of restrictions implied upon the investors so that the economic activities are in line with the overall development plan of the State. The restrictions are in the form of secluding a few sectors from foreign investments which include banking sector, insurance, and real estate (â€Å"Investment Incentives†, n. d.). A close look reveals that these are the sectors that will have a direct impact upon the market and keeping them free of foreign investments will ensure that the indices are not pliable from outside the State, thus protecting the autonomy and financial integrity of Qatar. Apart from
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Corporate Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Corporate Risk Management - Essay Example Unfortunately such high degree of risks can bring negative impact on the profitability as well as to the future success of the organizations. So to protect from such bad consequences it is essential for such organization as soon as possible to find an appropriate solution so that they could handle or manage risks in better way which in otherwise could bring catastrophe to them. So a desirable solution is through applying appropriate sets of procedures or policies at proper intervals. Risk management is one such effective strategy that to a great extent can minimize or reduce various types of risks that an organization has to face while carrying out its operations. By adopting such strategy an organization can ensure its better success and growth in the future. Viewing this importance the paper attempts to describe what is risk management or risk management decisions, the direct and indirect costs and benefits of risk management decisions to an organization and how they can be measure d. Risk management or risk management decisions are a logical process that aims at eliminating or minimizing the level of risk pertained to any business operations. In other words it can be told as a series of process that comprises of identifying, analyzing, and implementing necessary steps so as to minimize or eliminate the exposures to risk of loss that are to be faced by an organization. The practice of risk management makes use of number of tools and techniques, and also the concept of insurance, in order to manage the different types of risks. The duty of carrying out the process of risk management is entrusted to the concerned department of corporate risk management, who firstly identifies what are the various potential sources that cause to trouble, after identifying the corporate risk managers analyzes each of the sources carefully and then finally after analyzing they take precautionary measures or steps to overcome from such exposure of losses. The term risk management is known to be a "relatively a recent evolution of the concept to insurance management" (Sullivan, 2009, P. 452). The concept risk management that comprises of broader scope of activities and responsibilities than what the insurance management actually dealt with. The uses of Risk management was initially applied by the organizations to protect from various physical threats which occurs while carrying out their operations such as theft, fire, flood, legal liability, disability, employee injuries, car accidents, and many which otherwise took number of years to protect themselves from such risks and in turn which would bring barriers to their day-to-day operations and profitability. It was seen as the 20th century ended; the activities of risk management were much more expanded to the areas of financial risks such as interest rates, exchange rates, and now e-Commerce. As mentioned earlier risk management as a process risk management involves several series of steps where the concerned corporate risk management department of an organization identifies, analyzes, treats and monitors the risks which are involved in carry out their any business operations (Culp, 2001). These entire processes were carried out by the organizatio
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Socio-Economic Status of Cities in Michigan State Case Study
The Socio-Economic Status of Cities in Michigan State - Case Study Example Washtenaw County is one of the oldest counties in Michigan State having been initially founded in 1822 then later organized as a county in 1826. This county has an area of 1870 square kilometer. In this area, 1829 square kilometer island and 41 square kilometers is water. The population of Washtenaw County, according to the 2010 census done by the U.S Census Bureau is about 344791 people. As a county, Washtenaw comprises of places such as MI Metropolitan Statistical Area and Ann Arbor. There are different educational institutions in this county such as Eastern Michigan University, University of Michigan, Concordia University Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor campus of Thomas M. Cooley Law School and Washtenaw Community College. This county is surrounded by other different counties, including Livingston County in the North, Wayne County on the East, Monroe County at the southeast, Jackson County at the West, Lenawee County in the Southwest and Ingham County at the Northwest(U.S. Department of Commerce, 35). Ann Arbor is a city found in Washtenaw County. It has a total area of 74.33 square Kilometers. In this, 72.08 square kilometers island while the remaining 2.25 square kilometers is water. The main water source in this city is Huron River. This city is a home to 113934 people going by the 2010 census. The city was founded in 1824 and its steady rise is attributed to the establishment of the University of Michigan in 1837. This university has shaped and is continuing to shape the economy of Ann Arbor by employing about thirty thousand workers, twelve thousand of them working at the medical center. The University of Michigan has also attracted a lot of researchers and companies to conduct their research here thus making it a center of technology.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Relatioship with smart phones; Mass communication Essay
Relatioship with smart phones; Mass communication - Essay Example Furthermore, it can do most of the things a computer can do such as browsing the internet; one can access social networking sites like Facebook and Tweeter, download music and even watch TV (Kroski 2008, p.18). They are also used to determine to what social class a person belongs – the better and the more recent one’s iPhone is, the higher this person’s social class is, in people’s judgment. Despite their advantages, iPhones have negatively contributed to physical social interaction and created dependency and unhealthy addiction in users, which appears to portend the decline of some of humanities’ basic skills such as hand printing. Thanks to iPhones, people can communicate with others without being physically present, and this has led to them relegating the importance of face-to-face conversation in interpersonal communication. This often happens when someone has bad news to deliver and may opt to avoid sharing it face-to-face, so that he/she does not have to deal with another person’s reactions. Therefore, people with communication phobias and those who are nervous during conversations will find solace in the use of iPhones, may never overcome them, and may be easily falling into internet addiction (Shepherd & Edelmann 2001, p. 520). Hence, communication is stunted in that unless one is using video conferencing, which is not common, one is not able to receive immediate nonverbal feedback, and this makes communication incomplete. Unfortunately, this also makes lying easier since the recipient of the information is not privy to the cues that will allow him/her to detect deceit. Taking into consideration the use of emails and texts in communication, our writing skills will keep deteriorating, especially with technology such as iPads being introduced to young children in school. The majority of youths, especially in developed countries, rarely use a pen since they can send a text or email, which one can type on their iPhones. In addition, there is
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Kay Success Factors (KSFs) Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Kay Success Factors (KSFs) - Article Example In terms of social force, Canada is seeing a demographic shift toward living in bigger cities according to the Statistics Canada Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA), 2011 and 2006 censuses (1). This will give Wash-it a better understanding at targeting and segmentation of both the market the consumer base. Canadians are also shifting towards a â€Å"Green Culture†which allows more use of renewable energy and saving resources such as water, these changes align with the Wash-it product ideas and aims. 10 Another force that affects the Wash-it product is the Economic forces. According to The Current State of Canadian Family Finances of Vanier Institute (2) the Canadian economy is in a recovery stage and seeing an increase in gross income as well as an increase of disposable income for households. Using the previous information, Wash-it can reflect its pricing range based on these numbers. 10 The third force that effect Wash-it is the Technological forces. Wash-it is based on a mix of existing technologies. These technologies need to be improved and upgraded in Washit to stay up to date with the fast paced industry of technology. It’s also worth mentioning that more and more people are getting online, this also adds to the effects on the consumer’s base. 10 In order for the product line to be successful it must engage certain Key Success Factors (KSFs) in order to be able to adequately penetrate the market and have the potential ability to turn a profit for the firm. The first of these is the level to which the supply and delivery mechanisms of the given product can help to place the firm at a competitive advantage as compared to its competitors. Without a well planned and highly efficient supply mechanism, the firm’s offering is dead before it can even hope to gain market share. 11 A secondary logistical KSF is the fact that suppliers of the device will need to be lined up and
Friday, August 23, 2019
How Can an Engineering Airline Maintenance Organisation Identify Assignment
How Can an Engineering Airline Maintenance Organisation Identify Existing or New Staff to Take on Managerial Responsibilities - Assignment Example However, for airlines to operate effectively, they must have to maintain their planes, which are the key to their returns. Therefore, there is a need for an airline maintenance organization contracted by an airline. The airline entrusts the maintenance organization with the responsibility of ensuring the aircraft are worthy of operating. According to Hines (2003), the maintenance organizations are required to assess the competence and qualification of aircraft maintenance employees and the results can either confirm the need for training or not. Nevertheless, when the organization is seeking for an employee, who will match the managerial responsibilities, it can choose to either recruit internally or externally from a pool of candidates. When an organization decides to recruit externally, there are a number of steps involved. According to Roberts (1997 p3), the main purpose of selecting candidates is to match them with the organization’s responsibilities, hence consideration o f competence of the candidates is important. The first step in attracting candidates for a particular position is through advertising, whereby, an organization can choose from a variety, newspapers, internet, or posters among others. The interested candidates respond via curriculum vitae or application letters. The organization then proceeds to sort the quality qualified CVs from the low-quality ones and shortlist the qualified candidates. The qualified candidates are then invited for the interview, at a certain date, time, and venue. During the interviews, the employees are expected to answer the question confidently and correctly; the interviews determine the capability of a candidate to take up the required roles. According to Holbeche (2009 pp 175), after the interview is conducted, feedback should be given to the unsuccessful and successful candidates. It is important to recruit new talent into the organization, as they contribute towards new ideas; however, the skills and expe rience have to fit the assigned role. In this case, of the managerial responsibility, the experience is necessary for this position.Â
Impact of social media on management of information systems Research Paper
Impact of social media on management of information systems - Research Paper Example Social media has a great impact on management of information system because it allows easy gathering of knowledge and gives a connection between image, text and video. Social media is practically changing the way we communicate and it has transformed the information technology of business within and outside the company boundaries. Social media has been integral to finance and human resource management and for the understanding of consumer preferences, peer to peer marketing and demand prediction. The management of information system is an important function in an organization as it collect and process many data relevant to a business. Management of information system has achieved great height due to many social media like face book, Twitter and Linked In. The business management and consumer and suppliers have become more interactive and responsive. Social media is an interactive platform and allow input and output of data along with smooth communication. Social media has a large role to play in management of information sytem. Social media is the interaction on a virtual platform where people create, share or exchange information. The different social media like Face book, Twitter and Linked In have been the best informative sites since technology has ever created. As per (Daniel) â€Å"Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication†. Now social media has specific importance in every sphere of life especially in the business world. Since globalization, social media has become more and more significant as it is medium through which people in various countries communicate and share information. Social media is of so much importance because of its reach, quality, frequency usability and performance. Social Medias can be internet forums, social network sites, blogs, and content communities. The most famous social media like Face book, Twitter, You Tube and Linked In has
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Essay Example for Free
The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Essay This novel is broken into segments; the first of which discusses crisis’ that have occurred in the past that are similar to present day crisis’, for example, the Great Depression and the worldwide depression of 2008. The second segment analyzes the current crises, for example, the effects of the Latin American and Asian crisis in the 1900’s. Krugman also brings into light how countries thousands of miles apart have such a large impact on one another like a domino effect, for example, how when Russia experienced a financial crisis and economic reform, it devalued the Brazilian ‘real’, which then in turn effected the United States bond markets. The author uses his knowledge and view to analyze the United States’ and other county’s economic issues. He critiques the mistakes that were made and the warning signs that governments should be aware of and not overlook in order to prevent economic failure. An example was the over confidence in capitalism success due to increase of technology, globalization to third world countries, and the fall of socialism and socialist ideas that were prevalent in international ideologies. This confidence in capitalism blindsided Economists to an approaching depression. Krugman warns that even though an economy may be very strong, they are still subject to fall and should never take warning signs lightly, however these signs may not always be the same for every country. As brought up in the book, it is discussed that perfect solutions for fixing an economy in one country may not work as well, or at all, in another country, for example capitalism success in the United States versus Japan and Mexico. Another example was when the British government devalued the pound and increased the interest rates. This led a strong economic recovery for Britain, but when Mexico tried this same tactic, it had no such success. Britain’s pound was devalued by 15 percent in 1990, thus being dropped from the European Monetary System’s Exchange Rate Mechanism. In 1995, the â€Å"Tequila Crisis†resulted from the mistake of the Mexican government not devaluing the peso enough and the GDP in Mexico dropped 7 percent and depreciated the peso by 15 percent, consequently. This is also an example of the domino effect of economic downfalls in countries impacting others. Even though Argentina’s peso is governed by a separate currency board, since they call their money the peso as well, currency speculation from investors in other countries didn’t regard the currencies as separate, thus negatively impacting the country. Robert Lucas, a professor at the University of Chicago, states that Macroeconomics needs to move forward from depression-prevention since the problem â€Å"had been solved for all practical purposes. â€Å"The Great Moderation†speech, by Ben Bernanke, then provided support to Lucas’ claim by stating that the business cycle problem had diminished, however, Krugman explains that instances similar to the Great Depression have more recently occurred, and in other countries in the 90’s. In the late 1990’s, Thailand caused trouble to the rest of the surrounding Asian countries when they began making lo ans to foreign investors to try and help their struggling economy, consequently leaving them with crippled trade exports. The Thai ‘Baht’ was devalued since these foreign investors were mainly only people who had connections with the government and the interest rates were much higher than other countries in attempt to boost their economy. This stipulation caused the economy to worsen, other countries to loose confidence, and for Thailand to loose investments. Krugman explains that if Thailand hadn’t tried to control the currency and interest rate, the ‘baht’ would have risen instead of causing their poor economy to expedite. Another piece that Krugman brings up is the Hedge funds, which are privately and actively managed investment funds and are subject to the regulatory restrictions of their country. Two examples discussed in the book were with Asia and Russia. Hedge funds were used on Hong Kong’s capitalist government and were forced them to use government intervention and non-capitalist ways to take back their stock market. In Russia, hedge funds were more widely created to excel profits, but consequently, led to their financial collapse. Alan Greenspan, on the Federal Reserves Board of Governors, served from May 1987 to January 2006 and played a large roll in the 2008 crisis. It was believed that he was the best fit for his position because of his vast knowledge of the Great Depression. In the beginning of his term, the economy was stable with low unemployment rates and a rising stock market. Consequently, Greenspan â€Å"let the good times roll†and when the stock market was in a ‘bubble’ he cut interest rates, but to no avail. This caused the unemployment rate to rise for almost three years and the recession to return. The housing bubble then developed in 2006 from the lack of Federal Reserve regulation of savings and loans and the â€Å"Shadow Banking System†. The housing market prices slowly skyrocketed to fifty percent over value but then suddenly dropped up to fifteen percent in the second quarter the following year. Krugman explains how this housing market crash crippled the United States economy, costing millions of Americans their lives as they knew them before. I found this book very appealing considering my vague understanding of the financial system. Although at times I felt lost in the terminology, the majority of the time I was able to comprehend what Krugman was trying to get across to the audience. What I found most compelling was how the book brought into perspective how history has consequently been repeating itself and will only continue to do so. With the examples Krugman gives with the Great Depression, Japan, Mexico, and our own economy deficit in 2008, we can see the errors that are repeatedly made through history. Krugman points out, while constantly questioning, why economic catastrophes keep occurring all over the world if all the signs leading up to them are ever so similar. If Mexico had used Britian as an example, they would have been able to get out of the ‘Tequila Crisis†much quicker. I also found interesting, yet disheartening, the amount of money that is lent to other countries and spent on helping them repair themselves when we ourselves have repairing to do in our economy still. I understand that it is a cyclical effect, and we may not know every detail about what is going on, and for that I have to give the government credit, but at the same time I don’t agree with the amounts given away that we never see any benefit from. Krugman used the example of Russia’s debt and the twenty-two billion given to them for a stabilization plan that was unheard of, and another fourty-one billion emergency bailout funds to Brazil. After reading this book, it has enlightened me about how an economy can get back on its feet and also what signs to look for in our economy so that we don’t repeat the past and we start learning from other country’s mistakes as well. [ 1 ]. Krugman. About Paul. New York Times, n. d. Web. 04 May 2013. [ 2 ]. Hedge Fund. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 06 May 2013.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Very Concept Or Idea Of God Philosophy Essay
The Very Concept Or Idea Of God Philosophy Essay Ontological arguments attempt to show that the very concept or idea of God implies his reality; that is, that ones being able to clearly conceive of God somehow implies that God actually exists. The ontological argument is a priori. This means that the argument does not rely on the evidence of the sense, or the world around us, for either its premises or its conclusion, but rather it moves by stages of logical argument to a conclusion which is self-evidently true or logically necessary. The argument is both deductive and analytic. This means that the premises of the argument contain the conclusion it reaches and the argument is structured in such a way as to make the conclusion the only possible one that can be deduced from its premises. Because it is analytic it is true by definition alone. The ontological argument was first formulated by eleventh century Archbishop of Canterbury, St. Anselm. Anselms original version of the argument is developed in his Proslogion in the course of some reflections on the fool who hath said in his heart, There is no God. Anselm reasons that even to deny Gods existence, the fool must understand the idea of God, who must exist as an idea in the understanding of the fool. Anselm suggests that the idea of God is the greatest possible being, a being than which nothing greater can be conceived. Anselm claims that it is greater to exist in reality than merely to exist in the understanding. Since God is by definition the greatest possible being, it is impossible for God to only exist in the mind (the understanding). For if God only existed in the mind and not in reality, the God would not be the greatest possible being. Anselms argument is an essential idea of the ontological argument because he was the first scholar to formulate the ontological argument which other philosophers, including modern scholars, use as the basis of their developments to the ontological argument. Five hundred years after Anselm, the French philosopher Rene Descartes reformulated the ontological proof, in terms of the concept of necessary existence. Descartes realised that doubting all of his knowledge proved his existence: I think, therefore I am. Similar to Anselm, Descartes defined God as an infinitely perfect being superior to all beings in perfection. He argued that because we exist and in our minds, have the concept of a perfect being; and as an imperfect being, we could not have conjured up the concept of a perfect being. The concept of a perfect being must therefore have originated from the perfect being itself and a perfect being must exist in order to be perfect, therefore a perfect being exists. Descartes applied his argument for a perfect being to the existence of God. He argued that God is the idea of a supremely perfect being. A supremely perfect being has all perfections. Existence is a perfection. A supremely perfect being has the perfection of existence. It is impossible to think of God as not existing, therefore, God exists. Descartes maintained existence belonged analytically to God in the same way that three angles are analytically predicated of a triangle, or less convincingly, as a valley is a necessary predicate of a mountain. Norman Malcolm proposed another form of the ontological argument in support of necessary existence. Malcolm argued; if God exists, his existence is necessary; if God does not exist, his existence is impossible. Either God exists or he does not exist. Therefore Gods existence is either necessary or impossible. Gods existence is possible (not impossible), therefore Gods existence is necessary. Malcolms argument is an essential idea of the ontological argument because it is a development of both Anselms and Descartes arguments and logically proves the necessary existence of God. Alvin Plantinga formulated his own, contemporary version of the ontological argument. Plantainga suggested that since we are able to imagine any number of alternative worlds in which things may be quite different, for example a world in which John F Kennedy decided not to become a politician and been an estate agent instead. There must be any number of possible worlds, including our own. However, if Gods existence is necessary, he must exist in them all and have all the characteristics of God in them all. This is because, Plantinga argued, God is both maximally great and maximally excellent. He proposed that: there exists a world in which there is a being of maximal greatness, and a being of maximal excellence is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent in all worlds. Plantingas argument is an essential idea of the ontological argument because it succeeds in showing that God is possible in all possible worlds. b) Despite the ontological argument seeming to be a strong, convincing argument for proof for the existence of God, it comes under heavy scrutiny from its weaknesses. Anselms argument was refuted in his own lifetime by Gaunilo, who demonstrated that if the logic of the argument were applied to things other than God, it led to invalid conclusions. Gaunilo replaced the word God with the greatest island which led to his argument which had the same form as Anselms, with true premises, and yet, which leads to a false conclusion. Gaunilo argued: I can conceive of an island that than which no greater island can be thought. Such an island must possess all perfections. Existence is a perfection, therefore, the island exists. Gaunilos argument shows that just because we can think of the greatest possible thing or being in our mind it does not mean that it exists in reality. However this is a weak criticism of the ontological argument and the strengths are more convincing because Gaunilo is applying the argument to a contingent object, where as God is a necessary being according to Anselm. An island may or may not exist. Furthermore, there is no logical poin t at which we might reasonably say that we have reached intrinsic perfection in an island or other islands, or other contingent things, is surely subjective I cannot possibly guarantee that my perfect island is the same as yours. Therefore the strengths of the ontological argument are much more convincing than Gaunilos criticism because it shows that the argument works when applied to a necessary being, where as Gaunilo applied it to a contingent item, which is not the same thing. Fundamental to Anselms and Descartes form of the ontological argument is that existence is a predicate an attribute or quality that can be possessed or lacked, such as size, shape, colour, temperature, personality, intelligence or traits. These may or may not belong to a being or thing, and their presence or absence is part of our understanding and apprehension of it. However Kant observed that existence is not associated with the definition of something, since it does not add to our understanding of that thing. We must establish the existence of something before we can say what it is like. We cannot ascribe existence a priori to our definition of a perfect being. Kant argues it would be self contradictory to posit a triangle and yet reject its three angles, but there is no contradiction in rejecting the triangle together with its three angles. Kants criticism of the ontological argument is very strong and causes the ontological argument to be weak and not convincing because Anselm and Descartes used existence as a predicate in their arguments and consequently they were wrong to do so because existence is not a quality because the idea of God, existence is contained within the definition of God. Kant also added that existence adds nothing to the concept of a thing or being. For example, one hundred pounds in the imagination was not made greater in number or nature by existing in reality. However this argument fails to weaken the ontological argument because arguably one hundred pounds in reality is more useful than one hundred pounds in the mind. In the same way God who only exists in the mind can have no real effect on the lives of believers; where as God who exists in reality can intervene in peoples lives and make a real difference. Despite this, Kants argument is still a strong criticism and causes the ontological argument to not be a convincing argument because you can reject the idea of God and easily thin of a being that does not exist. David Hume also criticised the ontological argument. He believed that the ontological argument makes a false assumption about existence that necessary existence was a coherent concept. Hume argued that existence could only ever be contingent and that all statements about existence could be denied without contradiction. All things which could be said to exist could also be said not to exist. Hume said: However much our concept of an object may contain, we must go outside of it to determine whether or not it exists. We cannot define something into existence even if it has all the perfections we can imagine. Humes criticism is similar to Kants and makes the ontological argument a less convincing argument because it is not possible to move from the necessary of a proposition to the necessity of a God. In conclusion the ontological argument is a fairly convincing argument despite its various criticisms. The ontological argument cannot be disproved but it also cannot be proved, yet it remains a fairly strong and convincing argument for the existence of God. It is the strongest argument for the theist but it can be argued that it cannot be a strong argument or proof for the existence of God because there is no empirical evidence to prove its claims. However, I believe that it remains a fairly convincing argument because if God is the greatest being, by definition, God must be a necessary being, and in order to be the great being conceivable, God must exist in reality.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Introduction To Organic Functional Groups And Hydrocarbons Biology Essay
Introduction To Organic Functional Groups And Hydrocarbons Biology Essay Hydrocarbons are compounds made up entirely of carbon and hydrogen. The major types of hydrocarbons are alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic compounds. Alkanes are parent compounds of all organic compounds and only composed of single bonds (C-H and C-C bonds). The linear (non cyclic) alkanes have a molecular formula of CnH2n+2. Alkanes that are cyclic (ring structure) are called cycloalkanes. For every ring that is present, there are two less hydrogen atoms than the equivalent (in terms of number carbons) linear alkane. Alkanes are non-polar and are the least reactive and simplest of all hydrocarbons. This is because alkanes do not have a functional group, which is usually the part of a compound that is reactive. There are very types of reactions that alkanes undergo such as reaction with oxygen and mostly all types of highly combustible substances. Alkanes are important as they are used in heating gases, gasoline, fuel oil, motor oil, jet fuel, paraffin, and many other types of f uels.1 Alkenes are hydrocarbons with functional groups of at least one carbon-carbon double bond. The double bonds are the reactive part of an alkene. Double bonds are stiffer than single bonds and do not allow for rotation and thus create cis-trans (geometric) isomers. Alkenes have a molecular formula of CnH2n and relatively non-polar. Alkenes that are cyclic are called cycloalkenes. The formula that takes into account double bonds and number of rings is CnH2n+2-2(number of rings + number of double bonds). Alkanes are much more reactive than alkanes due to unsaturation (containing double bond) and can undergo combustion, halogen addition, hydrogenation, epoxidation, oxidative cleavage, and other non-specific free radical reactions. Alkenes are used for synthesis of polymers, drugs, pesticides, and other valuable chemicals including ethanol, acetic acid, ethylene glycol, and vinyl chloride. The polymers are important in making a variety of products ranging from plastic bags to car bumpers.1 Alkynes are hydrocarbons with functional groups of at least one carbon-carbon triple bond. Since the triple bond is linear, there is not geometric isomerism. This is the reason that cyclic alkynes (cycloalkynes) are very rare, and could only be present with eight or more carbons. Alkynes have a molecular formula of CnH2n-2. They are relatively non-polar and virtually insoluble in water. Alkynes have similar reactivity to alkenes and are able to undergo halogenations, hydrogenations, and oxidation. Acetylene is a very important type of alkyne as it is used as fuel for oxyacetylene welding torch and used as industrial feedstock.1 Aromatic hydrocarbons are derivatives of benzene, a singular carbon ring with three double bonds. These compounds look like cycloalkenes but have differing properties. They are very stable due to large resonance energy. It is hard to hydrogenate these compounds to cyclohexane and can be only under forcing conditions. Oxidation also requires specific conditions. Halogenations are possible, but only with the aid of catalysts. Though, they can undergo reaction with chloroform through a series of Friedel-Craft alkylations in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Charles Friedel and James Crafts discovered these reactions in 1877 and include alkylation reactions and acylation reactions.2 Alkyl halides alkylate benzene to form alkylbenzenes in presence of Lewis acid catalysts. The alkylation is a part of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction where an electrophile substitutes for a hydrogen atom in an aromatic hydrocarbon to make a carbon-carbon double bond. The acylation part is similar to the alkylation except that the reagent is not an alkyl chloride and is instead an acyl chloride.1 In this experiment, alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic compounds were put through various different tests to observe the outcome and help identify the class of an unknown substance. The tests include, physical appearance, odour, solubility in water and cyclohexane, test with bromine, test with aqueous potassium permanganate, and aluminum chloride with chloroform test. The different types of classes result in different products and can be distinguished from one another. The results of the tests on the unknown compound can be matched with the recorded observations of each class to help determine the hydrocarbon functional group of the unknown. Experimental: The experimental procedure carried out for this lab followed the steps listed in the lab manual. Refer to Organic Chemistry Lab Manual Fall 2010-Winter 2011 pages 34-39. It was noted that among alkene and alkyne, an alkene compound was used as these two types of hydrocarbons exhibit very similar properties in terms of reactivity. Results: Table 1: Shows the compounds used to represent each class of hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic compounds) including an unknown compound and blanks. All the compounds were analyzed for their chemical and physical properties and underwent various types of tests and the observations were recorded in the table below. To determine if a reaction occurred, the results of tests on each class were compared to that of the blanks, with a deviation in result leading to show that a reaction occurred. Class: Alkane Alkene Aromatic Unknown Blank Compound Name: n-Heptane 1-Octene Naphthalene #663 (Solvent Only) Molecular Structure: - - Chemical Formula: C7H16 C8H16 C10H8 Physical Appearance Liquid, transparent Liquid, transparent Solid, white, shiny Liquid, transparent - Odour No odour Smells a bit strong No odour Slight odour - Solubility in Water Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble - Solubility in Cyclohexane Soluble Soluble Soluble Soluble - Test with Br2in CH2Cl2 Light orange colour, transparent, no reaction Clear solution (transparent), reaction occurred Dark orange colour, no reaction Dark orange colour, no reaction The solution remained brown/orange (control) Illuminate Br2 solution White colour, translucent, reaction occurred (slow) (Not necessary as a reaction was observed with Br2in CH2Cl2) Light orange colour, no reaction Translucent, clear, very light yellow, slight reaction The solution remained brown/orange (control) Litmus Paper Test pH=acidic (paper turned pink) pH= neutral (no change in paper) pH=acidic (paper turned pink) pH=acidic (paper turned pink) Paper stayed the same colour pH=neutral (control) Test with aqueous KmnO4 (Baeyer Test) The solution remained purple (just darkened), no reaction The solution turned brown, reaction occurred The solution remained purple, no reaction The solution remained purple, no reaction The solution remained purple (control) Test with AlCl3 and Chloroform The solution remained white and cloudy, no reaction The solution remained white, no reaction The solution turned blue, reaction occurred The solution turned yellow, reaction occurred The solution was white, and cloudy (control) Discussion: The substances that were used to represent alkane, alkene, and aromatic compounds were n-heptane, 1-octene, and naphthalene, respectively. There was an unknown sample given which was tested alongside the different classes of hydrocarbons in order to deduce the functional group present based on the chemical and physical properties observed. The first test was the test of physical appearance. The alkane, alkene, and unknown products were all clear, transparent, and in liquid form, while the aromatic compound was white in colour, had a shiny texture, and was in a solid state. Colourless and white compounds are thought to be pure organic compounds and since the unknown was a colourless liquid, it was believed to be an organic compound.3 The next test was that of odour. This task was difficult and is not believe to be a reliable test as the presence of a definite smell fluctuated in opinion between different experimenters. Only alkene seemed to have a very distinct and strong smell to it. It was hard to figure out the approximate type of smell of alkene as the compound was whiffed for a brief time due to precautionary safety measurements. Other compounds did not have a strong scent to them. There were two solubility tests that were performed. Firstly, the compounds were tested for solubility in water. All the organic compounds were in soluble in water as water is a polar compound and the organic compounds are non-polar in nature. When water was added to the compounds, there were two distinct layers that formed every time, indicating insolubility. The compounds were then tested for solubility in cyclohexane (cyclic alkane), a non-polar compound. When a few drops of cyclohexane were added, all the organic samples seemed to dissolve readily and no layers were observed. The results observed were expected as all organic compounds are non-polar and would only be able to dissolve in non-polar substances. Since the unknown sample behaved like the alkane, alkene, and aromatic compound in terms of polarity, it was to be concluded that the compound was indeed an organic compound (non-polar). As a safety measurement, all the tests that followed were performed under the fumehood. Also, the whole experiment was performed wearing safety goggles, lab coat, and gloves as many chemicals are corrosive and toxic. The tests performed next also included a control (blank) in order to check for a reaction occurring by comparing the results of the organic compounds to that of the blanks. When the organic compounds were tested with bromine in the presence of CH2Cl2, only alkene sample reacted at first. It was observed that a reaction took place because the control remained a brownish orange colour, while the alkene sample turned clear. This made sense as alkenes readily undergo halogenation reaction (Refer to Figure 1). The bromine addition is usually a stereospecific anti-addition across the double bond of an alkene (1-octene in this case) that could be seen in Figure 2.1 This gave an indication that the unknown was not an alkene. The samples that did not initially react (even after warming) were subjected to illumination with the use of a sun lamp. It was noted that the alkane solution had a reaction occurring as it turned clear compared to the control which was still brownish orange in colour. This was probably due to the radical formation of bromine, from the energy provided by the light, that reacted with the C-H bonds.1 Refer to Figure 3 for a general reaction m echanism. Along with the control, aromatic and unknown compounds did not show a change in colour and remained brownish orange. This could have been due to the fact that bromination is very selective and doesnà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t readily react with aromatic compounds. When the solutions were subjected to a litmus paper test, only alkene and the control showed no change in colour of the paper, concluding that they were of a neutral pH. Meanwhile, alkane, aromatic and unknown compounds all turned pink, showing that they all had an acidic pH. This indicated that there was a reaction due to the illumination of the Br2 affected solutions. This was due to the formation of HBr (a strong acid) after the free radical bromination of alkanes and halogenations of aromatic compounds.3 Referring to Figure 4, there are three major and one minor product formed from the bromination of alkane (n-heptane) as secondary hydrogens are more reactive than primary ones. While in the aromatic, naphthalene compound, the bromine tends to attach to the tertiary carbon (refer to Figure 5). The halogenation of aromatic compound has substitution occurring between a tertiary hydrogen and bromine in order to retain all the original double bonds of the compound. After this test it was concluded that the unknown was more similar to alkane or aromatic compound and definitely not alkene. Figure 1: A sample mechanism showing the addition of halogens to alkenes. First, there is an electrophilic attack by a halogen molecule that results into the formation of a halonium ion and a halide ion. The halonium ion is a three-membered ring with a positive charge on the halogen. The halide ion acts as a nucleophile and attacks the halonium ion from the back to open it up and attach itself to the carbon. This creates an overall anti-addition of halogens to the double bonds. Figure 2: Reaction of 1-Octene (alkene) with Br2 in the presence of CH2Cl2 results into two products. Figure 3: A general sample reaction mechanism of free radical halogenation. The mechanism is broken down into a series of steps that include initiation and propagation. During initiation, halogen (bromine) radicals are formed. Light provides sufficient energy to split a bromine molecule to form two bromine radicals. Propagation is divided into two steps. During the first step, one of the bromine radical reacts with alkane and abstracts hydrogen to form an alkyl radical and HBr (strong acid). In the second step, the alkyl radical reacts with a new molecule of bromine and abstracts a bromine to form a alkyl halogen and bromine radical. Figure 4: Reaction of n-heptane with Br2 results into four different products due to radical bromination. The first product (top most) shown is a minor product because the bromine takes place of a primary hydrogen. The rest of the products are major products because they all replace a secondary hydrogen. The more substituted the intermediate radical, the more stable the product. Figure 5: Halogenation of Naphthalene with a bromine molecule in dichloromethane. This is a substitution reaction which retains all double bonds of the aromatic compound. The organic compounds were all then tested with aqueous potassium permanganate (Baeyer test). The only sample that reacted was the one with the alkene as the solution turned brown when 95% ethanol and 2% potassium permanganate (in a drop-wise manner) were added. The alkene was oxidized and a diol was formed due to a syn addition of two hydroxyl groups across the double bond (refer to Figure 7).1 This lead to the formation of MnO2 which in turn lead to the brown colour of the solution.3 The alkane, aromatic, unknown, and control all remained purple as there was no reaction. Further oxidation would lead to an oxidative cleavage of the glycol (two hydroxyl groups) to form ketones and aldehydes, which forms acid. This test further proved that the unknown did not have a functional group of an alkene. This whole test is called the Baeyer test as the potassium permanganate is a Baeyerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s reagent, discovered by Adolf von Baeyer, in order to test for presence o f unsaturation (such as double bonds) in a compound. Refer to Figure 6 for a general reaction mechanism. Figure 6: A general sample mechanism of permanganate hydroxylation of an alkene. The hydroxylation occurs with syn stereochemistry. Further oxidation of the product splits a carbon-carbon bond. Figure 7: Reaction of 1-Octene with 2% potassium permanganate in 95% ethanol. Initially, the reaction results into a diol but further oxidation splits the product and leads to formation of an aldehyde. The final test was of aluminum chloride with chloroform test. The aromatic and the unknown compounds were seen to have undergone a reaction as they had a change in colour (blue and light yellow, respectively) while the alkane, alkene, and control solutions remained white and cloudy. Since most of the tests determined that the unknown was not an alkene, this test proves that the unknown is not alkane, either and hence, it is aromatic. Aromatic compounds are known to go through Friedel-Craft alkylation in the presence of a proper catalyst (refer to Figure 8). As observed during the experiment, these types of reactions often yield in vibrant colours due to the delocalization of charge among the aromatic rings of the compound.3 In this experiment, the addition of chloroform to naphthalene with aluminum chloride as a catalyst caused a reaction (refer to Figure 9). Figure 8: A sample general mechanism of Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, an eletrophilic aromatic substitution. During the first step, a carbocation is formed. In the second step, an electrophilic attack from a benzene forms a sigma complex (resonating structure). In the last step, a proton is lost from the sigma complex to reform the aromatic ring to result into a alkylated product of benzene. Figure 9: A reaction of Naphthalene with chloroform in the presence of aluminum chloride in a series of Friedel-Craft Alkylations. Thus, based on the experiment performed and the comparisons made, the unknown sample #663 was found to contain a functional group of an aromatic compound. There were probably some sources of errors while performing the experiment. One of the sources of errors was that the measurements were all taken as an approximate as there were no indicators on the pipettes while transferring liquids and the solid compounds were not weighed. Furthermore, the pipettes that were used to transfer the liquids from the main containers could have been contaminated as they were shared. The impurities were probably the reason for some of the solutions having a very slight change in colour despite not reacting. Questions: R S Figure 104: Shows the structure of (-)-trans-carveol with chiral centers that are circled and labeled as having S or R configuration. Refer to Figure 10. The chiral centers are circled and they are classified as S or R configuration shown by the arrows point to them. Figure 11: Hydrogenation reaction of trans-carveol. The reaction formula translates to C10H16O + 2H2 -> C10H20O. Moles of C10H16O: = mass of C10H16O / molar mass of C10H16O = 27.2g/ 152g/mol = 0.179mol Moles of H2: ratio of C10H16O / H2 = moles of f C10H16O / H2 1 / 2 = 0.179mol / mol H2 H2 = 0.358mol Volume of H2: PV = nRT (1atm)(V) = (0.358mol)(0.08206 L atm K-1 mol-1)(273.15 K) V = 8.02 L Therefore, 8.02103 mL volume of H2 needed for hydrogenate 27.2g of trans à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬carveol at STP. Figure 12: Extensive hydroboration reaction of trans-carveol results into two products. Litmus paper is made up of an indicator called Litmus, which is a water-soluble mixture of 10-15 dyes that are extracted from Lichens and many other types of natural plants such as red cabbage and absorbed onto a filter paper. Litmus paper is used as an acid-base indicator based on pH values. The dyes respond differently to different pH by changing colour. Paper indicates alkaline (basic) solutions by turning blue and indicates acidic solutions by turning red. There are slight variations in colour that relate to different ranges of pH values but blue and red colours are sufficient to determine if a solution is acidic or basic. This test was discovered around 1300 AD by Amaldus de Villa Nova, a Spanish alchemist. A regular use of litmus paper is to test and regulate the pH level in swimming pools and spa.5
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Comparison between Billy Liar and Shirley Valentine Essay -- Drama
A Comparison between Billy Liar and Shirley Valentine I have just been studying Billy Liar and performing it as part of my mock scripted drama GCSE, and have been asked to compare this theatre script to the film script of Shirley Valentine. I have already given the first difference between these two scripts; one is a theatre script and the other is designed specifically for the big screen. Billy Liar was originally a novel written by Keith Waterhouse, who with the help of Willis Hall made it into a theatre script in the 1960's. Billy is an imaginative youth who is fighting to get out of his complacent, clichà ©-ridden background. He was born and brought up in a town in Yorkshire and lives with his father, Geoffrey, mother, Alice, and grandmother, Florence. Billy has three girlfriends, Rita, Barbara and Liz, but he only shows genuine affection and feelings towards Liz. Billy is always fantasising and making up things which earns him the label 'liar'. At the end of the play Billy decides to leave his home and follow Liz to London but as we find out in the last scene he 'chickens' out and returns to the home he so desperately wants to escape. Shirley Valentine on the other hand was written as a film script, by the author Willy Russell in the 1980's, but the story is very similar to that of Billy Liar. Shirley is a housewife and mother to two grown up children. Her husband Joe is very insensitive and unaffectionate. Shirley's best friend Jane invites Shi...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Folk Tales :: essays research papers
When you where a kid did your parents ever tell you stories about your culture or about your family’s values? Chances are they where telling you a folk tale. Folk tales are stories passed down usually by word of mouth but often they are written down. Folk tales teach a valuable life lesson while entertaining the reader or in some cases the listener. This essay will give examples of three folk tales and go into depth on how they teach lessons and still remain entertaining for children and even adults. Â Â Â Â Â The first of the three folk tales I will be discussing is titled The Sheep of San Cristobal, in which a young woman named Filipa looses her only son. She makes ends meet by growing beans and selling them to the local townspeople, who are very sympathetic to Filipa. When a rich sheep herder named Don Jose starts harassing Filipa because she refuses to marry him She wishes for him to fall off a cliff and break his neck, when her wish comes true she feels very guilty and makes penance by giving away all of Don Jose’s sheep to those poor enough to deserve them. At the end of her penance she finds her son. This story tells allot about Spanish Culture and shows how religious the people are. The second folk tale is titled From things fall apart. It is a story of a greedy manipulative turtle who tricks a flock of birds out of their feast in the sky, but he soon learns his lesson when the birds take away their feathers and he is forced to jump back to earth thus shattering his smooth shell. This story shows that this culture believes that if you do bad things you will eventually get what is coming to you.The third folk tale is called In the Land of the Small Dragon. This story has many similarities with Cinderella. It is the story of a beautiful young girl named Tam who’s beauty reflects her inner kindness and innocence. Her half-sister Cam is ugly, which reflects her bitter, jealous, and lazy personality. Tams stepmother treats her like a slave and lets Cam do whatever she wants. Later in the story Tam is given new clothes and a pair of crystal shoes by some animals. A bird takes on of the shoes and delivers in to the emperors son, who is inspired to find the owner of the shoe and marry her.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Responsibilities of a Business Leaders
In the past, people that were above average in one area of leadership skills could survive as a leader. Technology has forced an adaptation in practically all aspects of the business environment over the past decade. The level of skills for leaders in the 21st century will need to adapt as well. Tomorrow's business leaders will need to possess a much broader range and higher level of leadership skills. First of all, good human relations skills may be the baseline characteristic of tomorrow's leaders. If an individual does not have good human relations skills or just does not get along with other people, then they will probably be doomed as a leader from the beginning. It is hard for an individual that does not get along with others to motivate anybody to do anything. Therefore, a good idea may be dismissed, if one is unable to generate some excitement or motivate others to jump on board. This is why being able to motivating people is such an important aspect of being a leader. Tomorrow's leaders will also transition more power from themselves to the people. Leaders will need to recognize and utilize through empowerment their most talented people. Acting as a role model will help demonstrate leadership styles and be the example for other people to emulate. Secondly, better time management skills are another characteristic that will be required of the future leaders. Managing and using hours efficiently on the telephone, doing paperwork, attending meetings and working on the computer is critical. Leaders waste time everyday by attending non-productive meetings, working on non-value added paperwork and even little things like using email inefficiently. This time adds up quickly and the costs associated are significant, since most leaders earn relatively large salaries. For instance, look at any CEO of a large corporation that probably earns at least $2,000,000 per year. This calculates to about $16 a minute. If the CEO wastes just 15 minutes per day, it cost the company and shareholders more than $60,000 per year. The same holds true for all employees, but the dollars wasted are much more significant with the middle managers and up. Next, the leadership characteristic that has been changing the most rapidly over the past decade is technical skills. Technology, and more precisely the use of computers, has increased dramatically over the last five to ten years. Much more information on a wide variety of subjects is at everyone's fingertips. Leaders that know how to access and use this information will be ahead of the rest when it comes to possessing critical knowledge. This will also make it easier for tomorrow's leaders to be thinkers and doers rather than just thinkers. In the past, leaders would just command people; there was not a great need for the leaders to be doers. But, by being a doer, tomorrow's leaders will set an example for other people or doers to follow, rather than just barking out commands. Finally, having good problem solving and decision-making skills are two more key characteristics for tomorrow's leaders. As people, technical, time management and any other types of issues arise, one must be able to evaluate a problem, then develop and implement a solution. By possessing a broader range and higher level of leadership skills today, the leaders of tomorrow will evolve.
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